格兰53100 MT Vario BX - 53100 MR Vario BX割草压扁机
工作幅宽为9.80 - 10.20米。
可适用ISOBUS智能控制系统 皮带速度自动调整 可调整皮带高度 地头皮带加速系统 自动停止功能,可降低油耗描述
格兰皮带传动铺草装置可极大提高工作效率,可通过液压自动调节皮带转速和工作幅宽,形成均匀一致的草铺。 如果配备GEOMOW智能割草装置,可让机手更为便利地操作设备,从而提高工作效率和产出。
- 皮带转速自动调节
- 皮带高度调节
- 地头皮带加速调节
- 自动停止功能,可有效节约能耗
- 4合1的强大功能
格兰53100 BX自动皮带输草器具备4合1功能,可形成一条大草铺,三条小草铺,完全将草铺开或只使用一侧皮带。标准配备的滑动式铺草板可快速调整草铺宽度。如需更彻底地铺撒牧草,请选用翻盖式铺草板。
赛车需要更好的地面附着力以应付高速的驾驶,超级悬挂系统可适用于各种地况。超强的仿形能力让割草机的切割更加彻底、整齐。格兰3300系列结合53100 MT Vario系列,让您的割草作业更为高速、高效。
格兰3336 MT Vario和53100 MT Vario割草机,配备液压控制割幅调整系统,可以让割草装置左右位移400毫米。可根据不同地况和作物状况做出相应调整。其独有的伸缩臂设计让调整轻而易举。
GEOMOW unlocks the full potential of the Kverneland 53100 MT Vario. The all-new Kverneland GEOMOW application delivers automatic headland lift via section control.
GEOMOW removes the risk of mistakes when lifting mowing units too early, or lowering them too late. When reaching the end of the field, the front mower is automatically raised as it hits already cut grass on headlands, rear units are lifted at the right time as well, allowing the operator to fully focus on turning as efficiently as possible.
1. 滑开连接辊,移除连接销
2. 断开电缆和液压管
3. 降低割草机,卸载BX自动皮带输草装置

The IsoMatch Grip is an ISOBUS auxiliary device developed for great operator comfort and efficient machine control. Its ergonomic shape and the complete freedom of assigning and controlling a total of 44 implement functions from one device are unique in the market today. From your fingertips you have endless possibilities to operate all machine functions as desired. And assignments are saved per machine making it even more applicable to your needs.

When deciding what equipment to purchase, it is not always easy to find the optimal solution in the broad market offering of today. Technology is developing fast and tractors and implements are more and more equipped with high tech electronics. We understand this complexity and are committed to provide you with easy farming solutions. Therefore these cost-efficient ISOBUS Universal Terminals, IsoMatch Tellus PRO and IsoMatch Tellus GO+ are made for easy machine control and efficient farming.

With its advanced hardware and software features, the IsoMatch Tellus PRO provides the optimal precision farming solution for an all-in-one control system inside your tractor cab.
IsoMatch Tellus PRO is the centre for connecting all ISOBUS machines and a platform for running precision farming applications. It offers everything a farmer needs to get the maximum out of his machines and crops, as well as cost savings in fertiliser, chemicals and seeds by using automatic section control and variable rate control. With the unique dual screen functionality it gives the farmer the opportunity to view and control two machines and processes simultaneously.

Work easy. Be in control.
IsoMatch Tellus GO+ is especially developed for controlling the machine in a simple way. The farmer is in full control of the machine in exactly the way he wants. Easy set up the machine with the soft keys via the 7-inch touch screen. And, optimal control while driving, just use the hard keys and rotary switch. Controlling the implement has never been so easy.
This can be you your first step into Precision Farming
IsoMatch Tellus GO+ makes it easy to control any ISOBUS machine from your tractor cab. IsoMatch GEOCONTROL enables you to achieve higher yields, lower costs and do your work with less hassle. This licence key is divided in two parts, Section Control and Variable Rate Control, which are available from the IsoMatch Shop. Now you can buy the specific functionality that you need.