Kverneland Group iM FARMING savings calculator!
Do you also want to save costs on your spreading, spraying or seeding? With the iM FARMING Savings Calculator you can now calculate your possible savings for your farming situation.
This website from Kverneland Group is able to make a true estimation of the possible savings based on your farm size, field shapes, working width and actual costs of spreading, spraying and seeding. The App calculates the cost savings by using GPS functionalities, as it is possible now for the farmer to accurately seed, spray and spread without any overlap.
After you have selected the implement you use and filled in the field data, you will see how much you will save on using precision farming tools.
CLICK HERE to open the FARMING Calculator.
The iM FARMING Savings Calculator is currently available in the following languages: English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Polish and Hungarian.